Welcome to "chuff to bits"! My blog about food, crafting, and other wonderful things! Stay tuned to find out what!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Speak of the Stalker!

Well isn't this a great way to spend my day! So, in the last post, I drive-by mentioned Etsy Stalker and today I get a lovely e-mail from Violet at Etsy Stalker letting me know that I'm featured in one of her posts today!!!! Squeee!!!!
THAT is super freaking exciting! Yay! The item featured? My beautiful blue earrings! Check em out:
Plus I'm up there alongside a whole mittful of other awesome Etsyians. SOooooo awesome! Thanks Etsy Stalker! As a bonus, I get an "I've been stalked" badge to add to the site here! I know there's lots of clutter about, but check it out!


  1. I was in chat when you said you'd been mentioned! Big congrats to you!

  2. Thanks TheBargainBabe! I was very excited about it!


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