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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good Reads

It's one of those days, you know?  It's a day I struggle with personally, we won't get into why.  It just is.

For that reason, today's post will be short and sweet.  I'm looking forward to sleeping. I'm going to curl up with a good book.  The book I'm reading, is one I've read several times.  It's called "Clan of the Cave Bear", and if you haven't read it, I suggest you do.  It's the first in a series about a girl cro-magnon human who is adopted into a clan of neanderthals.  It's great from a dramatic standpoint, as the girl's life in the "politics" (such as they are) of neanderthal life is played out.  It's also fascinating as a window into a prehistoric world, and attempts to answer life's deep philisophical questions about where we came from as a species, and where we're going.

I'm reading it again for two reasons, first, it's a good book , one that deserves to be reread every now and then, and second, for Christmas hubby gave me the last and final book in the series.  This series has taken the writer, Jean Auel, a lifetime to write, and I'm eager to learn how this story ends.

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