Alright blog people. I'm HERE. I'm determined to do this thing. I can totally be a normal blogger, you just watch me.
I'm gonna update you with some pictures. Hubby took this picture while I was creeping up a highway shoulder. The police officer that pulled us over a minute later was not particularily impressed.
Can't imagine why.
We went back to Soda Pop Central to pick up some treats for the holidays. Soda Pop Central was where we picked up all of our beverages for our alcohol-free wedding (and a 5ft long receipt too). I think they're one of my new favourite places. At the wedding we served our fancy drinks in a canoe. Oh the flavours, you should check them out. Chocolate soda? Almond cream soda? Black cherry soda? Too normal for you? How about ginger peach soda, or dandelion burdock?
I can't name them all, we had 60 DIFFERENT flavours at the wedding alone. I dare you to NOT find a flavour you like.
Last but not least, it's time to advertise for Valentine's day, or so the commercial world tells me. So I've changed from my Christmas banner to something
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