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Friday, January 6, 2012

Good Morning!

We're roaring right along, with day three of "I'm Gonna Post Every Day Whether You Like It Or Not". 

Today I bring you.......my dog! In socks!

Keeps the icicles out of his toes.  We bought kiddie socks because his feet are two different sizes so doggie boots never fit right.  That's NOT a shock collar on his neck.  Just so you're not concerned or anything.  It's actually a spray collar, it shoots citronella when he barks (he's got a bark that'll crack glass). 

In other news, a pair of earrings arrived for me in the mail.  I bought them, thinking they would look good for around Christmas time, and when they arrived and I opened the package I was just blown away.  They were so much more delicate and beautiful than I imagined.  I tried to capture it, but couldn't get the beautiful sparkle they have in real life.  I just LOVE them, and if you want a pair you'll have to go talk to MyOrcaDreams

Aren't they just adorable?

I'll probably wear them everywhere.

Last but not least, I want to show you this earring and necklace set from my shop.  I originally made them for me. :)  They were going to be for my wedding, so I could have a part of my grandmother there with me.  She taught me how to fold these, and I have fond memories of her folding this shape out of scraps of paper around our home all the time.  She meant the world to me and I miss her a lot.  I didn't end up wearing these, as they jsut didn't look right.  My "borrowed" was a necklace of hers that my cousin loaned me.  I wrapped it around the pinwheel I carred as a bouquet.  Anyway, they had such a special story to this set, that I wanted to share it with you.

Because this was going to be my wedding jewelry, I added some beading that I don't normally add to the earrings I have listed in my shop.  This will also probably be my last set of plastic "gel" earrings.  I'm going to make up some paper ones for the shop soon.  You'll love them, come check them out.

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