I haven't actually done much baking. The pretzels were such a downer. I did make a loaf of bread....it's almost gone already, so it's not very good for pictures. As for pictures today, I have two pictures courtesy of my DVD player. Strange, I know. Anyways, we here in my house are firm believers that the DVD player is ANGRY. It's mad at us. Seriously. If you don't believe me just check out the face it makes:
Can you see it? How about we try another colour?
Personally I find the red creepy.... This creepy image is my DVD player's screensaver, it's their logo, inside a colour-changing ball that bounces randomly around the screen. It took years before we realized it was a face. I almost wish we hadn't....every so often you forget....then suddenly it jumps right out at you!
Here's their mundane startup screen logo, for comparison:
Nothing weird there.....
In other news... I bought a $12 magazine last week. That's right. It was like that commercial "you got your bonus today AND IT'S ALREADY GONE!" The magazine supposedly has 350 holiday recipes in it. At first glance it sure looks like a lot of recipes, but at second glance it looks like most of them involve sweet potatoes. I intend to try many of them anyway.
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