Today's title has been brought to you by Cake Wrecks! Absolutely my most favourite blog on the interweb. If you have never heard of it, you should go check it out. RIGHT NOW! GO!
Anyway, I hope everyone's New Years was fun and safe. Due to a fair amount of lovely alcoholic sparkling cider, I'm posting my pictures from yesterday today. Yesterday I had a craving to bake soft pretzels, I didn't have any yeast though, so pretzels will be later today or tomorrow. I ended up making low-fat cranberry mandarin oatmeal muffins. Oh they were tasty (and easy)....because I'm a cheater...... Anyway, they were made using a mix again (I promise the pretzels will be from scratch). I screwed up the first batch by adding twice as much water as the mix called for, so I had to run out and get a second bag of mix. To the mix I added 2 cups of fresh cranberries (thawed from frozen) with about a tablespoon of grated mandarin orange rind and a tablespoon of sugar (to counteract the cranberries). They turned out delicious and we've already demolished 6 of them by this morning. Luckily I made lots!
Today was take-down-the-christmas-tree-decorations day. Actually I dislike this job. I'd have the tree up all year long if I thought I could get away without dusting it. So three of today's pictures are from me playing around with the camera and the Christmas tree. Also is a picture I took while out at the park with the dog today, makes it look very cold out certainly isn't warm out.
At least I've figured out how to add more pictures to my posts.
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