Well, failure has to happen sometime right? Or maybe it would be more apropos to say that success has to happen occasionally..... In my case it's the latter. In honour of Earth Day I present you with ........*drumroll* ..........Pollution Penguin! (or as I like to call him, Fail Penguin):
Nice yes? Now, in case you don't read my blog every day (I hope you don't because I'm not that good at the updating) you may not know that most of my snowglobes don't look like this. They often don't have that yummy layer of suspended bits of green-brown stuff floating in them. In fact, I took a picture so that you could compare:
Lots of lovely sparkly crystal clear snowglobes? CHECK! One ugly-as-sin, muddy brown water, floaty bits of god-only-knows-what snowglobe? CHECK! Hrm..... Well, score one for education I suppose. Now WHY did my cute little snowglobe turn into the snowglobe equivalent of a chemical dump? Ah, I cannot reveal such secrets young grasshopper. I will tell you though, that the snowglobe underwent some drastic surgery today. It was touch-and-go for a moment there, but the penguin, AND the lightbulb, both made it through ok. The cork however has moved on to a better place (cork heaven, you knew it).
SO, to sum up my story, the snowglobe I've been trying to get listed for almost two weeks now, will be in recovery for a little while. Sad, I know. However, as I have a few days off coming up, the things you can look forward to are:
1. That darned baby mobile. It's still coming, I promise.
2. More paper decor, including more wedding, and household non-christmas decor
3. A blog post about lemon cupcakes in my latest attempt to bake something for my wedding dessert.
And, as a final nod to those rascally penguins, here's a Youtube vid of a penguin being tickled.
Penguin link went down, but should now be fixed. :D