I was embroiled in a battle for kitchen counter space yesterday. At one point the kitchen was covered in cookies...the counter, the dishwasher, the fridge, even the coffee maker had cookies on it. Yesterday I made shortbread, sugar cookies, and tiny bite sized mincemeat pies. I had to rely on some tasting help from the Significant Other since I think mincemeat is disgusting. I don't think he minded though.
I also got his help with the photos, he has a better eye AND camera phone than me. So today's post includes LOTS of pictures.
I managed to get some "before" pictures of the tiny pies. I didn't get the before pictures of anything else, I forgot to take pictures. This brings the cookie count up to 6 . That would be, plain shortbread, sugar cookies, linzers, gingerbread, mint chocolate cookies, and orange cardamom shortbread. Seven if you include the tiny pies.
The pies were perhaps the easiest thing I made yesterday. I simply used premade rolled pie crust and rolled it out on the counter. I cut it into rounds and put them in the tiny muffin pan, filled them each with a spoonful of premade jarred mincemeat and topped them with another round of dough. If I were to do it again I would use a larger round for the bottom so that the tops could attach better.
Left on my To-do list is the final wrapping of a few gifts, almond paste for the fruitcakes, and homemade gumdrops.
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