How beautiful is this country? Seriously. Have you looked?
I'm continuously amazed at how gorgeous it is, and to be honest, I haven't travelled out of this province more than a handful of times.
If you haven't noticed how beautiful is, then you need to get out of the city. I've lived in a bunch of different settings; rural, urban, suburban. I've lived in poor areas, and rich areas. I've lived places where there are trees, and places that haven't seen trees in decades. I've lived where there's heavy crime, and where there's no crime. Let me tell you this one thing, if you can't find beauty in this country, you've lived in the city too long.
Sure cities are beautiful. They're eclectic and vibrant, full of life, monuments to civilization. A city at night, from the water, is a jewel on fire. Cities are full of smells and sights and people. Cities are full of adventures, both cultural and physical.
Cities are nothing compared to the country, THIS country, OUR country. Cities are things WE made, humans made, albeit together, and beautifully, but still made. The land made itself. Our country is majestic all on it's own.
Canadians have known this as a truth for centuries. We flock in crazy droves from the city further into our great white north. We spend hours, bumper to bumper, simply to spend a weekend surrounded by trees and lakes. Canadians are wonderfully unique in their love of nature. Fleeing their cities to worship their land.
So I'm begging you, this weekend, for Canada Day, FLEE your city. Run. Go north. Go as far north as you dare, and immerse yourself in our land. Remember why we're here.