Not lavender. |
Stop me if you've heard this one, I can't remember if I posted it.
I was watching a movie some months ago. It was a cute, and funny little movie, about a man who inherits a French villa from an uncle.
There are a few amusing scenes throughout the movie, where the characters who aren't native to France each find a small container of lavender on the windowsill of their room in the villa. Each one of them moves the lavender, and is consequently visited by a scorpion. The French housekeeper scolds them for removing the lavender, and the scene plays out again with a different character.
These scenes led me to two revelations completely unrelated to the plot line.
1) There are scorpions in France.
2) Scorpions are repelled by lavender.
This prompted a flurry of googling. How had it never occurred to me that there are scorpions in France? Are they really repelled by lavender? This could be important information should I suddenly win the lottery and travel to France.
I found a number of posts about the validity (or not, as the case may be) of using lavender to repel scorpions. (Mental note: Do NOT go to countries with scorpions.)
Among the scorpion postings, I found something FAR more priceless. A blog. More specifically, my discovery started with a post on this blog, about an American's experience with scorpions, having been newly transplanted to France. Fascinated by the incredible photos, I read the entire post, and at the end, she linked to a couple other posts she'd written. I followed them to the post where she first meets scorpions, and through her own discovery and testing of lavender. By the time I'd read through all the scorpion posts, I was intrigued. I had to find out what happened to her cat, I had to know if her husband was ok, I had to see more of these delicious recipes, I HAD to find out how this story ended.
I went back to the beginning, and started with her first post. I ran back and forth to the computer whenever I had the chance. It was like a beautiful book, played out chapter by chapter. I felt like I was traveling with her from America to France, like I was experiencing all of their adventures along side them. I was pulled along by each post.
Then, I was sitting here one day, and went to click "NEXT" at the top of h er post, and there was no next. I'd reached the end, of her posts. At first I was distraught. I NEEDED to know what happened next.
I came back again, to reread the last post. Maybe there was some indication of what happened, what I should turn to next, where she went. I read through the post one more time, and came to the bottom.....and saw the date. It had only been posted a few days before! This was recent! This story was happening RIGHT NOW!
I'd gotten so wrapped up in her story, I'd forgotten that it wasn't a book, or a novel, or a history. This blog was fresh.
I wrote her a long comment that day on her blog post, relating my story, kind of like I've done here.
Since then, I read all of her posts. I feel like I know her, though she knows nothing about me.
So today, I send you there, to share the love. Go read her blog:
French Letters